Papers on this page deal with a range of unrelated – or not immediately related – topics. Besides more extensive discussions, the papers include “occasional” pieces.

pdficon_small‘Utopian Dreams’ [published in Student 16 January 1986]

pdficon_smallReviews of Rudolph Steiner Friedrich Nietzsche: Fighter for Freedom (New York: Spiritual Science Library 1985) and Georges Bataille Visions of Excess: Selected Writings 1927-1939 (Manchester: Manchester University Press 1985) [published (anonymously) in Common Sense No. 3 (October 1987)]

pdficon_smallReview of Nigel Smith, ed., A Collection of Ranter Writings from the 17th Century (London: Junction Books 1983) [published in Edinburgh Review No. 78-9 (August-November 1987/1988)]

pdficon_small‘Aesthetic Thoughts’ [published in Encyclopaedia Supplement of Edinburgh Review No. 80-1 (February-May 1988)]

pdficon_small‘Common Sense’ [anonymous editorial to Common Sense No. 5 (July 1988)] (Note: The editors, whose collective work the editorial is, are described by the editorial as ‘non-existing’.)

pdficon_smallCivic Humanist Themes in Machiavelli, New Waverley Papers, Departments of Politics and Social Policy, University of Edinburgh, 1988.

pdficon_small‘Coppe and the Ranters’ [published in Edinburgh Review No. 83 (Summer 1990)]

pdficon_small‘Politics and Violence’ [published in Richard Bellamy (ed.) Theories and Concepts of Politics: An Introduction(Manchester University Press 1993)]

pdficon_small‘Utopian and Apocalyptic Thought’ [published online by Heathwood Institute and Press ( on 26 January 2015]

pdficon_small‘A Note on the Senses: Common Sense from Aristotle to Marx and Beyond’ [published online by Heathwood Institute and Press ( on 10 August 2015]